Our Learning
BOB Here
What and Who is BOB HERE?
This is an acronym for our school Vision and Values: Bettering Our Best - Honesty - Effort - Respect - Engagement
BOB HERE is an integral part of everything we do and are at Glenview School. It is:
- Explored as part of the class programme so every child can reach their full potential.
- Integrated into the Key Competencies (thinking, using language and symbols, managing self, relating to others and participating and contributing).
- Part of our discipline procedures 'Behaving Our Best' HERE, to focus children on what it means to be a Glenview student
We encourage and welcome all parents to reinforce our school vision and values at home as part of your own values.

Senior School Bands Programme
Our senior school bands programme is based around students striving to be BOB. The bands recognise students who have put in an outstanding effort in these areas. The senior classes will regularly meet to award the bands to students.
The picture display the criteria for students. Your child will be able to talk you through their goals for the bands and what their teacher has advised them to focus on in order to achieve them.
Our Mana Motuhake Band is our top band that senior students can earn. This band is for students who have earned 4 of the 5 bands. When students have achieved this band it will be awarded it at a whole school assembly.
Our Library
The Learning Centre / Library is open every school day and parents/caregivers are welcome to visit (except when health level restrictions apply).
Students may borrow up to two books for two weeks. We encourage them to bring them back before they become overdue or bring them back and get them renewed if needed.
Ms Hobson is the Learning Centre Co-ordinator and is happy to help with any queries regarding borrowing or returning library books.
If you wish to contact the library directly, please email [email protected]
If you wish to see some pictures of our library, our lego creations, enter our library competitions or find lists of useful reading and learning resource sites, please click on the button below.
School Charter and Annual Accounts
Each year all schools are required to update their charter to address current national and school priorities, strategic planning, annual achievement targets and statements of variance, analysing the previous years goals and targets.
ERO Report
Our school works with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures.
We invite you to visit the site at https://glenview.schooldocs.co.nz
Our username is Glenview and password bobhere
You can find the latest ERO Report for Glenview Primary below.